Our Promise to Clients

We named the Company, Fin Freedom, it means financial freedom. We have built the Company on a simple principle, ADD VALUE TO PEOPLE LIVES. As a financial advisor or financial planner, we have to be REAL with VALUE and deliver MEANING in our financial planning work that we do for our clients.

Our Corporate Values

Gratitude, Giving, Group Unity

Our Motto

Beyond Dollars and Sense

Our Culture

Today our dedication to use business as a force for good has become part of our corporate culture and mission. We believe that kindness, conviction and compassion in adding values to people’s lives are the essence to business success. Company culture is what makes the difference between good and great company.

Our Financial Advisor

To make things happen, it all has to start from us. We strive to ensure that our culture remains alive and live our lives to the fullest. We do not promote work life balance in a traditional way rather we emphasize on the wellness, have quality space of time for work and personal. We promote entrepreneurial spirit amongst FIN family, take full accountability of our own actions and get things done well and wholly. We always welcome people who are willing to take the extra miles to make the best out of their lives and help themselves, their families and people to achieve free mind through proper financial management.

Our Practice Model

To make things happen, it all has to start from us. Our Golden Rule # 1: Do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire. Our Golden Rule # 2: Keep things simple and be different. Our Golden Rule # 3: Get things done well and wholly.